Private-Pay Assisted Living/Memory Care Providers Will Be Eligible to Apply for CARES Act Provider Relief Phase 2 Funding

Yesterday, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced that private-pay assisted living/memory care providers will be eligible to apply for CARES Act Provider Relief Funds under the current Phase 2 General Distribution round of funding.  Here is a link to HHS announcement:

Per HHS web site: To support payments to assisted living facilities who may not bill Medicare or Medicaid, HHS has developed a curated list of assisted living facility TINs from third party sources and HHS datasets.  Providers with TINs on the curated list must meet other eligibility requirements including operating in good standing and not be excluded from receiving federal payments.  As a next step, HHS will work with states and its partners to authenticate assisted living facilities not on the curated list.  Please note that it may take additional time to validate an applicant’s TIN.  If they receive the results of that validation after September 13, they will still be able to complete and submit their application.

Like other providers applying for Phase 2 funding, eligible assisted living communities will receive 2 percent of their annual revenue from patient care and will have until September 13, 2020 to begin their application. Information on application process can be found here:

Please let us know if you have any questions.